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Week 8

Check InDesign version

Re download the folder from moodle

Getting XML of the play into InDesign

find the template play.indt from the downloaded resources

  • Start a new InDesign file by opening this file (double click)
  • Save as your play
  • See the structure panel on the left

Look at the DTD

Here is the DTD

Look at the tags pane

Tags Pane

These tags match the style names (paragraph and character names)

Import XML

From the context menu find import XML Find your play from the folder text_of_plays Import

Now see the play in the structure pane


Put the XML on the page

  • Drag the dramatis personae onto the first page
  • Now drag the play onto the third page

map the tags with the styles

From the context menu on the structure pane see the menu item Map tags to Styles


Do not use the reverse of this

Map by name

map by Name


We will get a blank extra page at the beginning. This is because the style for the Dramatis heading is designed to start on a new page and there is already an empty paragraph on the first page. Just find the pilchrow on page one and delete this.

After the Import has succeeded

  • Turn off the Structure and tag markers

turn off the unnecessary features

  • The text is highly coloured just to indicate how the styles are attached
  • Change the styles, change the typefaces.....
  • Use styles that will be consistent with the Introduction part of the book (this can be changed after comments from this first assignment)
  • focus on the style changes for the text